BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Northwest Georgia Regional Library System - ECPv6.3.6//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Northwest Georgia Regional Library System X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Northwest Georgia Regional Library System REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20220313T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20221106T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220824T150000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220824T160000 DTSTAMP:20240508T230802 CREATED:20211217T173927Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220729T144358Z SUMMARY:Dalton Literary Roundtable Book Club -- Adults DESCRIPTION:Open to 18 and older. \nYou will read it all in this book club. We'll be discussing fiction\, non-fiction\, classics and more! \n\nJanuary 26 @ 3pm - The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot - This book is available digitally through the library's Libby app and we'll have physical copies on hand available for check-out (both the digital and the physical copies are available on a first-come\, first-served basis).\nFebruary 23 @ 3pm - True Story of Hansel & Gretel by Louise Murphy - We'll have physical copies on hand available for check-out (available on a first-come\, first-served basis).\nMarch 23 @ 3pm - Quiet Game by Greg Iles - Mystery\, crime fiction\, and family saga all in one! Educated by Tara Westover - "Born to survivalists in the mountains of Idaho\, Tara Westover was seventeen the first time she set foot in a classroom. Her family was so isolated from mainstream society that there was no way to ensure the children received an education\, and no one to intervene when one of Tara's older brothers became violent. When another brother got himself into college\, Tara decided to try a new kind of life. Her quest for knowledge transformed her\, taking her over oceans and across continents\, to Harvard and to Cambridge University. Only then would she wonder if she'd traveled too far\, if there was still a way home." - Description from Amazon.\nApril 27 @ 3pm - Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline - "Penobscot Indian Molly Ayer is close to 'aging out' out of the foster care system. A community service position helping an elderly woman clean out her home is the only thing keeping Molly out of juvie and worse … As she helps Vivian sort through her possessions and memories\, Molly learns that she and Vivian aren't as different as they seem to be. A young Irish immigrant orphaned in New York City\, Vivian was put on a train to the Midwest with hundreds of other children whose destinies would be determined by luck and chance. Molly discovers that she has the power to help Vivian find answers to mysteries that have haunted her for her entire life-answers that will ultimately free them both…"-Publisher's description"\nMay 25 @ 3pm - Maus by Art Spiegelman - A graphic novel of "a memoir of Vladek Spiegelman\, a Jewish survivor of Hitler's Europe\, and about his son\, a cartoonist who tries to come to terms with his father\, his story\, and history. Cartoon format portrays Jews as mice\, Nazis as cats." - Description from PINES.\nWednesday\, June 22 @ 3 p.m. -\nWednesday\, July 27 @ 3 p.m. - The Colony by John Tayman - "Reveals the untold history of the infamous American leprosy colony on Molokai and of the extraordinary people who struggled to survive under the most horrific circumstances. …" - Publisher Description\nWednesday\, August 24 @ 3 p.m. - Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstressby Dai Sijie - "At the height of Mao's infamous Cultural Revolution\, two boys are among hundreds of thousands exiled to the countryside for 're-education.' …" - Publisher Description You're Wearing THAT? by Deborah Tannen - Conversations illustrating the mother-daughter relationship.\n\nDisclaimer: All aspects of in-person programming are subject to change based on health crisis guidelines and procedures. URL: LOCATION:Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library\, 310 Cappes St\, Dalton\, GA\, 30720\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220727T150000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220727T160000 DTSTAMP:20240508T230802 CREATED:20211217T173927Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220729T144357Z SUMMARY:Dalton Literary Roundtable Book Club -- Adults DESCRIPTION:Open to 18 and older. \nYou will read it all in this book club. We'll be discussing fiction\, non-fiction\, classics and more! \n\nJanuary 26 @ 3pm - The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot - This book is available digitally through the library's Libby app and we'll have physical copies on hand available for check-out (both the digital and the physical copies are available on a first-come\, first-served basis).\nFebruary 23 @ 3pm - True Story of Hansel & Gretel by Louise Murphy - We'll have physical copies on hand available for check-out (available on a first-come\, first-served basis).\nMarch 23 @ 3pm - Quiet Game by Greg Iles - Mystery\, crime fiction\, and family saga all in one! Educated by Tara Westover - "Born to survivalists in the mountains of Idaho\, Tara Westover was seventeen the first time she set foot in a classroom. Her family was so isolated from mainstream society that there was no way to ensure the children received an education\, and no one to intervene when one of Tara's older brothers became violent. When another brother got himself into college\, Tara decided to try a new kind of life. Her quest for knowledge transformed her\, taking her over oceans and across continents\, to Harvard and to Cambridge University. Only then would she wonder if she'd traveled too far\, if there was still a way home." - Description from Amazon.\nApril 27 @ 3pm - Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline - "Penobscot Indian Molly Ayer is close to 'aging out' out of the foster care system. A community service position helping an elderly woman clean out her home is the only thing keeping Molly out of juvie and worse … As she helps Vivian sort through her possessions and memories\, Molly learns that she and Vivian aren't as different as they seem to be. A young Irish immigrant orphaned in New York City\, Vivian was put on a train to the Midwest with hundreds of other children whose destinies would be determined by luck and chance. Molly discovers that she has the power to help Vivian find answers to mysteries that have haunted her for her entire life-answers that will ultimately free them both…"-Publisher's description"\nMay 25 @ 3pm - Maus by Art Spiegelman - A graphic novel of "a memoir of Vladek Spiegelman\, a Jewish survivor of Hitler's Europe\, and about his son\, a cartoonist who tries to come to terms with his father\, his story\, and history. Cartoon format portrays Jews as mice\, Nazis as cats." - Description from PINES.\nWednesday\, June 22 @ 3 p.m. -\nWednesday\, July 27 @ 3 p.m. - The Colony by John Tayman - "Reveals the untold history of the infamous American leprosy colony on Molokai and of the extraordinary people who struggled to survive under the most horrific circumstances. …" - Publisher Description\nWednesday\, August 24 @ 3 p.m. - Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstressby Dai Sijie - "At the height of Mao's infamous Cultural Revolution\, two boys are among hundreds of thousands exiled to the countryside for 're-education.' …" - Publisher Description You're Wearing THAT? by Deborah Tannen - Conversations illustrating the mother-daughter relationship.\n\nDisclaimer: All aspects of in-person programming are subject to change based on health crisis guidelines and procedures. URL: LOCATION:Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library\, 310 Cappes St\, Dalton\, GA\, 30720\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220622T150000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220622T160000 DTSTAMP:20240508T230802 CREATED:20211217T173927Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220729T144357Z SUMMARY:Dalton Literary Roundtable Book Club -- Adults DESCRIPTION:Open to 18 and older. \nYou will read it all in this book club. We'll be discussing fiction\, non-fiction\, classics and more! \n\nJanuary 26 @ 3pm - The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot - This book is available digitally through the library's Libby app and we'll have physical copies on hand available for check-out (both the digital and the physical copies are available on a first-come\, first-served basis).\nFebruary 23 @ 3pm - True Story of Hansel & Gretel by Louise Murphy - We'll have physical copies on hand available for check-out (available on a first-come\, first-served basis).\nMarch 23 @ 3pm - Quiet Game by Greg Iles - Mystery\, crime fiction\, and family saga all in one! Educated by Tara Westover - "Born to survivalists in the mountains of Idaho\, Tara Westover was seventeen the first time she set foot in a classroom. Her family was so isolated from mainstream society that there was no way to ensure the children received an education\, and no one to intervene when one of Tara's older brothers became violent. When another brother got himself into college\, Tara decided to try a new kind of life. Her quest for knowledge transformed her\, taking her over oceans and across continents\, to Harvard and to Cambridge University. Only then would she wonder if she'd traveled too far\, if there was still a way home." - Description from Amazon.\nApril 27 @ 3pm - Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline - "Penobscot Indian Molly Ayer is close to 'aging out' out of the foster care system. A community service position helping an elderly woman clean out her home is the only thing keeping Molly out of juvie and worse … As she helps Vivian sort through her possessions and memories\, Molly learns that she and Vivian aren't as different as they seem to be. A young Irish immigrant orphaned in New York City\, Vivian was put on a train to the Midwest with hundreds of other children whose destinies would be determined by luck and chance. Molly discovers that she has the power to help Vivian find answers to mysteries that have haunted her for her entire life-answers that will ultimately free them both…"-Publisher's description"\nMay 25 @ 3pm - Maus by Art Spiegelman - A graphic novel of "a memoir of Vladek Spiegelman\, a Jewish survivor of Hitler's Europe\, and about his son\, a cartoonist who tries to come to terms with his father\, his story\, and history. Cartoon format portrays Jews as mice\, Nazis as cats." - Description from PINES.\nWednesday\, June 22 @ 3 p.m. -\nWednesday\, July 27 @ 3 p.m. - The Colony by John Tayman - "Reveals the untold history of the infamous American leprosy colony on Molokai and of the extraordinary people who struggled to survive under the most horrific circumstances. …" - Publisher Description\nWednesday\, August 24 @ 3 p.m. - Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstressby Dai Sijie - "At the height of Mao's infamous Cultural Revolution\, two boys are among hundreds of thousands exiled to the countryside for 're-education.' …" - Publisher Description You're Wearing THAT? by Deborah Tannen - Conversations illustrating the mother-daughter relationship.\n\nDisclaimer: All aspects of in-person programming are subject to change based on health crisis guidelines and procedures. URL: LOCATION:Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library\, 310 Cappes St\, Dalton\, GA\, 30720\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220525T150000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220525T160000 DTSTAMP:20240508T230802 CREATED:20211217T173927Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220729T144356Z SUMMARY:Dalton Literary Roundtable Book Club -- Adults DESCRIPTION:Open to 18 and older. \nYou will read it all in this book club. We'll be discussing fiction\, non-fiction\, classics and more! \n\nJanuary 26 @ 3pm - The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot - This book is available digitally through the library's Libby app and we'll have physical copies on hand available for check-out (both the digital and the physical copies are available on a first-come\, first-served basis).\nFebruary 23 @ 3pm - True Story of Hansel & Gretel by Louise Murphy - We'll have physical copies on hand available for check-out (available on a first-come\, first-served basis).\nMarch 23 @ 3pm - Quiet Game by Greg Iles - Mystery\, crime fiction\, and family saga all in one! Educated by Tara Westover - "Born to survivalists in the mountains of Idaho\, Tara Westover was seventeen the first time she set foot in a classroom. Her family was so isolated from mainstream society that there was no way to ensure the children received an education\, and no one to intervene when one of Tara's older brothers became violent. When another brother got himself into college\, Tara decided to try a new kind of life. Her quest for knowledge transformed her\, taking her over oceans and across continents\, to Harvard and to Cambridge University. Only then would she wonder if she'd traveled too far\, if there was still a way home." - Description from Amazon.\nApril 27 @ 3pm - Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline - "Penobscot Indian Molly Ayer is close to 'aging out' out of the foster care system. A community service position helping an elderly woman clean out her home is the only thing keeping Molly out of juvie and worse … As she helps Vivian sort through her possessions and memories\, Molly learns that she and Vivian aren't as different as they seem to be. A young Irish immigrant orphaned in New York City\, Vivian was put on a train to the Midwest with hundreds of other children whose destinies would be determined by luck and chance. Molly discovers that she has the power to help Vivian find answers to mysteries that have haunted her for her entire life-answers that will ultimately free them both…"-Publisher's description"\nMay 25 @ 3pm - Maus by Art Spiegelman - A graphic novel of "a memoir of Vladek Spiegelman\, a Jewish survivor of Hitler's Europe\, and about his son\, a cartoonist who tries to come to terms with his father\, his story\, and history. Cartoon format portrays Jews as mice\, Nazis as cats." - Description from PINES.\nWednesday\, June 22 @ 3 p.m. -\nWednesday\, July 27 @ 3 p.m. - The Colony by John Tayman - "Reveals the untold history of the infamous American leprosy colony on Molokai and of the extraordinary people who struggled to survive under the most horrific circumstances. …" - Publisher Description\nWednesday\, August 24 @ 3 p.m. - Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstressby Dai Sijie - "At the height of Mao's infamous Cultural Revolution\, two boys are among hundreds of thousands exiled to the countryside for 're-education.' …" - Publisher Description You're Wearing THAT? by Deborah Tannen - Conversations illustrating the mother-daughter relationship.\n\nDisclaimer: All aspects of in-person programming are subject to change based on health crisis guidelines and procedures. URL: LOCATION:Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library\, 310 Cappes St\, Dalton\, GA\, 30720\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220126T150000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220126T160000 DTSTAMP:20240508T230802 CREATED:20211217T173927Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220729T144354Z SUMMARY:Dalton Literary Roundtable Book Club -- Adults DESCRIPTION:Open to 18 and older. \nYou will read it all in this book club. We'll be discussing fiction\, non-fiction\, classics and more! \n\nJanuary 26 @ 3pm - The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot - This book is available digitally through the library's Libby app and we'll have physical copies on hand available for check-out (both the digital and the physical copies are available on a first-come\, first-served basis).\nFebruary 23 @ 3pm - True Story of Hansel & Gretel by Louise Murphy - We'll have physical copies on hand available for check-out (available on a first-come\, first-served basis).\nMarch 23 @ 3pm - Quiet Game by Greg Iles - Mystery\, crime fiction\, and family saga all in one! Educated by Tara Westover - "Born to survivalists in the mountains of Idaho\, Tara Westover was seventeen the first time she set foot in a classroom. Her family was so isolated from mainstream society that there was no way to ensure the children received an education\, and no one to intervene when one of Tara's older brothers became violent. When another brother got himself into college\, Tara decided to try a new kind of life. Her quest for knowledge transformed her\, taking her over oceans and across continents\, to Harvard and to Cambridge University. Only then would she wonder if she'd traveled too far\, if there was still a way home." - Description from Amazon.\nApril 27 @ 3pm - Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline - "Penobscot Indian Molly Ayer is close to 'aging out' out of the foster care system. A community service position helping an elderly woman clean out her home is the only thing keeping Molly out of juvie and worse … As she helps Vivian sort through her possessions and memories\, Molly learns that she and Vivian aren't as different as they seem to be. A young Irish immigrant orphaned in New York City\, Vivian was put on a train to the Midwest with hundreds of other children whose destinies would be determined by luck and chance. Molly discovers that she has the power to help Vivian find answers to mysteries that have haunted her for her entire life-answers that will ultimately free them both…"-Publisher's description"\nMay 25 @ 3pm - Maus by Art Spiegelman - A graphic novel of "a memoir of Vladek Spiegelman\, a Jewish survivor of Hitler's Europe\, and about his son\, a cartoonist who tries to come to terms with his father\, his story\, and history. Cartoon format portrays Jews as mice\, Nazis as cats." - Description from PINES.\nWednesday\, June 22 @ 3 p.m. -\nWednesday\, July 27 @ 3 p.m. - The Colony by John Tayman - "Reveals the untold history of the infamous American leprosy colony on Molokai and of the extraordinary people who struggled to survive under the most horrific circumstances. …" - Publisher Description\nWednesday\, August 24 @ 3 p.m. - Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstressby Dai Sijie - "At the height of Mao's infamous Cultural Revolution\, two boys are among hundreds of thousands exiled to the countryside for 're-education.' …" - Publisher Description You're Wearing THAT? by Deborah Tannen - Conversations illustrating the mother-daughter relationship.\n\nDisclaimer: All aspects of in-person programming are subject to change based on health crisis guidelines and procedures. URL: LOCATION:Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library\, 310 Cappes St\, Dalton\, GA\, 30720\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR