BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Northwest Georgia Regional Library System - ECPv6.5.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Northwest Georgia Regional Library System X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Northwest Georgia Regional Library System REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20190310T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20191103T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190608T133000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190608T153000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190513T190055Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190515T202014Z SUMMARY:SRC Teen Universe: Nerf Wars DESCRIPTION:Open to 6th-12th grade. Take over the library after hours and battle for supremacy in our ongoing NERF® Wars! \nPre-registration and permission slips are required. \n\nJune 8th @ 1:30 - 3:30 pm - Galactic Nerf War\nJuly 13th @ 1:30 - 3:30 pm - Star Wars Nerf War\n\nNERF® is a registered trademark of Hasbro\, Inc\, which does not sponsor\, authorize or endorse this website. URL: LOCATION:Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library\, 310 Cappes St\, Dalton\, GA\, 30720\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: ORGANIZER;CN="Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190607T103000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190607T120000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20180725T000657Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190607T170736Z SUMMARY:SRC: Family Movie -- All Ages DESCRIPTION:Open to all ages. Join us for popcorn\, juice boxes\, and a fun\, age-appropriate movie! \n\nAugust 3rd - A fun\, animated movie about wacky weather. Rated PG. Best for ages 6 and up.\nAugust 10th - A fun movie about beloved farm animals. Rated G. Best for ages 4 and up.\nAugust 17th - A fun\, animated musical set in the wild. Rated G. Best for ages 4 and up.\nAugust 24th - An adventure tale for those who dare to play. Rated PG. Best for ages 8 and up.\nAugust 31st - A thoughtful\, wonderful movie about overcoming differences. Rated PG. Best for ages 8 and up.\nNovember 16th - Get into the upcoming holiday spirit!\nDecember 14th - Enjoy a double feature of two wonderful family movies!\nFebruary 8th\nMarch 1st - An animated movie about a bull who just wants to live in peace with his friends and family. Rated PG. Best for ages 6 and up.\nApril 5th\nMay 3rd\nJune 7th\nJuly 2nd - Treasure Planet - enjoy an animated\, space-based remake of Treasure Island. URL: LOCATION:Chatsworth-Murray County Public Library\, 706 Old Dalton Ellijay Rd\, Chatsworth\, GA\, 30705\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: ORGANIZER;CN="Chatsworth-Murray County Library" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190607T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190607T150000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190513T162515Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190515T202014Z SUMMARY:SRC: Mobile Mammogram -- Adults DESCRIPTION:Open to 35 and older. \nThere will be a mobile mammogram lab from CHI Memorial (MaryEllen Locher Breast Center and Susan G. Komen for the Cure Chattanooga) in the front parking lot of the library. Mammograms are for women 35 years and older. \nThere is no charge for persons with no insurance; those with partial insurance will pay the remainder; those with full insurance will have their provider billed. \nSchedule your exam by calling 423-495-4040 or 866-591-2254. URL: LOCATION:Calhoun-Gordon County Public Library\, 100 N Park Avenue\, Calhoun\, GA\, 30701\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190606T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190606T190000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190513T190055Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190515T202014Z SUMMARY:SRC Universe of Fun: Galaxy T-Shirts -- Adults DESCRIPTION:Open to 18 and older. All materials will be provided. \nJoin us as we create Galaxy t-shirts. URL: LOCATION:Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library\, 310 Cappes St\, Dalton\, GA\, 30720\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: ORGANIZER;CN="Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190606T140000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190606T160000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190513T190056Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190515T202014Z SUMMARY:SRC Space Explorers: Build It -- All Ages DESCRIPTION:Open to all ages. Families drop in for some out-of-this world fun! \n\nJune 6th - 2:00 - 4:00 pm - Build It: Lego Spaceships\n\nParent or guardian must be present. Activities available while supplies last. URL: LOCATION:Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library\, 310 Cappes St\, Dalton\, GA\, 30720\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: ORGANIZER;CN="Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190606T140000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190606T153000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190513T160616Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190515T202015Z SUMMARY:SRC: Galaxy Shirts -- High School DESCRIPTION:Open to 4th - 12th Grade. All materials will be provided while supplies last. \n\nJune 4th - Middle School (6th-8th Grade)\nJune 6th - High School (9th - 12th Grade)\nJune 12th - Tweens (4th - 5th Grade)\n\nWe'll use paint to customize t-shirts with stars and swirling nebulae. \nPlease note your t-shirt size when you register or bring your own black t-shirt to paint. \nPre-registration is required; pre-register by dropping by or calling the library at 706-624-1456. URL: LOCATION:Calhoun-Gordon County Public Library\, 100 N Park Avenue\, Calhoun\, GA\, 30701\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190606T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190606T123000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190513T190126Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190515T202015Z SUMMARY:SRC Performer: Out of the Box - One Giant Leap DESCRIPTION:Mobile interactive discovery and science museum. Learn about robots and their use in space exploration. \nDates\, Times\, & Locations\nOur libraries will be including alternate locations for most major Summer Reading Challenge performers at alternate locations\, so please make sure you note to the location listed! \n\nThursday\, June 6th @ 11:00 am - Dug Gap Elementary School\nThursday\, June 6th @ 1:30 pm - Eastside Elementary School URL: LOCATION:Off Site ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190605T143000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190605T153000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190513T162516Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190515T202023Z SUMMARY:SRC: Galaxy Mugs -- Adults DESCRIPTION:Open to 18 and older. Join us as we turn plain mugs into reflections of the galaxy. \nAll materials will be provided while supplies last. \nPre-registration is required; pre-register by dropping by or calling the library at 706-624-1456. URL: LOCATION:Calhoun-Gordon County Public Library\, 100 N Park Avenue\, Calhoun\, GA\, 30701\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190604T140000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190604T153000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190513T162515Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190515T202024Z SUMMARY:SRC: Galaxy Shirts -- Middle School DESCRIPTION:Open to 4th - 12th Grade. All materials will be provided while supplies last. \n\nJune 4th - Middle School (6th-8th Grade)\nJune 6th - High School (9th - 12th Grade)\nJune 12th - Tweens (4th - 5th Grade)\n\nWe'll use paint to customize t-shirts with stars and swirling nebulae. \nPlease note your t-shirt size when you register or bring your own black t-shirt to paint. \nPre-registration is required; pre-register by dropping by or calling the library at 706-624-1456. URL: LOCATION:Calhoun-Gordon County Public Library\, 100 N Park Avenue\, Calhoun\, GA\, 30701\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190604T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190604T133000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190513T164251Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190515T202024Z SUMMARY:SRC: Story Time from Space -- All Ages DESCRIPTION:Open to all ages. Join us as we stream Story Time from Space while enjoying lunch. Hear stories read by astronauts in the Space Station. \nNote: School provided meals are for ages 18 and under. Adults are welcome to bring their own lunch. URL: LOCATION:Calhoun-Gordon County Public Library\, 100 N Park Avenue\, Calhoun\, GA\, 30701\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190604T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190604T123000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190513T190111Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190515T202024Z SUMMARY:SRC Performer: Out of the Box - I Robot DESCRIPTION:Mobile interactive discovery and science museum. Learn about robots and their use in space exploration. \nDates\, Times\, & Locations\nOur libraries will be including alternate locations for most major Summer Reading Challenge performers at alternate locations\, so please make sure you note to the location listed! \n\nTuesday\, June 4th @ 11:00 am - Roan School URL: LOCATION:Off Site ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190603T140000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190603T153000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190513T165009Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190515T202025Z SUMMARY:SRC Teen Universe: Magic: The Gathering DESCRIPTION:Open 6th-12th grade. \nJoin us in playing Magic: The Gathering. All skill levels welcome. \nActivities available while supplies last. URL: LOCATION:Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library\, 310 Cappes St\, Dalton\, GA\, 30720\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: ORGANIZER;CN="Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190603T123000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190603T140000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190513T164251Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190626T152331Z SUMMARY:SRC: Movie Monday -- All Ages DESCRIPTION:Open to all ages. Come enjoy some food and a great movie. Family movies typically have ratings of PG or lower. \nNote: School provided meals are for ages 18 and under. Adults are welcome to bring their own lunch. \n\nJune 3rd - Wall-E: an animated movie about a lonely robot left to clean up earth. (G\, 2008)\nJune 10th - Hedgehogs: an animated movie about a rebellious animal trying to discover himself\nafter losing his memory. (PG\, 2016)\nJune 17th - Finding Dory: An animated movie about a forgetful blue fish searching for her\nparents. (PG\, 2016)\nJune 24th - Lilo & Stitch: An animated movie about a Hawaiian girl who adopts a strange pet into her\nfamily (PG\, 2002)\nJuly 1st – Aquaman: Rage of Atlantis: A LEGO® movie featuring our favorite underwater super hero defending his throne. (NR\, 2018)\nJuly 8th - Peter Rabbit: A rabbit and his friends create all kinds of trouble in a human's garden. (NR\, 2018)\nJuly 15th - Zootopia: A rabbit police officer has to work with a fox to solve crime. (NR\, 2016)\nJuly 22nd - Norm of the North: An animated movie about a polar bear and his friends visiting New York\nCity to prevent the destruction of their home. (PG\, 2016) URL: LOCATION:Calhoun-Gordon County Public Library\, 100 N Park Avenue\, Calhoun\, GA\, 30701\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190603T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190603T123000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190513T190159Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190515T202025Z SUMMARY:SRC Performer: Ventriloquist Comedian\, Gene Cordova DESCRIPTION:Gene Cordova\, a ventriloquist with a laugh-out-loud program that celebrates the importance of reading will be joining us. Find out more about Gene Cordova at \nDates\, Times\, & Locations\nOur libraries will be including alternate locations for most major Summer Reading Challenge performers at alternate locations\, so please make sure you note to the location listed! \n\nMonday\, June 3rd @ 11:00 am - GEM Theatre\nMonday\, June 3rd @ 2:00 pm - Spring Place Elementary School\nMonday\, June 3rd @ 5:00 pm - Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library\nTuesday\, June 4th @ 11:00 am - Dawnville Elementary School\nTuesday\, June 4th @ 1:30 pm - Antioch Elementary School\nTuesday\, June 4th @ 4:30 pm - Cohutta Elementary School\nWednesday\, June 5th @ 11:00 am - Cedar Ridge Elementary School\nWednesday\, June 5th @ 1:30 pm - Valley Point Elementary School\nWednesday\, June 5th @ 4:30 pm - Tunnel Hill Elementary School URL: LOCATION:Off Site ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190601T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190601T140000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190513T162516Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190515T202025Z SUMMARY:SRC: Kick-Off With Chattooine -- All Ages DESCRIPTION:Open to all ages. Join us in kicking off the Summer Reading Challenge by visiting with some Star Wars characters. Chattooine cosplayers will be available for photos. Come dressed as your favorite character or just as you are. URL: LOCATION:Calhoun-Gordon County Public Library\, 100 N Park Avenue\, Calhoun\, GA\, 30701\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20190601 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20190602 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190528T141435Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190528T141435Z SUMMARY:CLOSED for Book Blast\, Book Sale open - Dalton-Whitfield DESCRIPTION:The Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library will be closed with staff relocating to the Book Blast at Burr Park. Join us there for the Summer Reading Challenge Kick Off!\nOur book drops will remain open. \nNote: our monthly book sale will remain open with access to the sale area from lower half of the library. URL: LOCATION:Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library\, 310 Cappes St\, Dalton\, GA\, 30720\, United States ORGANIZER;CN="Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20190601 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20190602 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190513T164251Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190515T202025Z SUMMARY:SRC: Make-Your-Own Alien Contest -- All Ages DESCRIPTION:Open to all ages. Create your own alien using your imagination. Bring in for display during the Summer Reading Challenge. \nStart: June 1st\nDeadline: July 11th \nCategories \n\nChildren: Birth to 3rd Grade\nTweens: 4th – 5th Grade\nMiddle School: 6th-8th Grade\nHigh School: 9th-12th Grade\nAdults: 18 and older. URL: LOCATION:Calhoun-Gordon County Public Library\, 100 N Park Avenue\, Calhoun\, GA\, 30701\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190531T151500 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190531T163000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190422T154625Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190422T154625Z SUMMARY:Slime Lab -- All Ages DESCRIPTION:Open to all ages. This is a great excuse to act like a child again while spending quality time as a family. Join us in making\, imagining\, and taking home your very own slime. Drop in any time between 3:15 and 4:30. URL: LOCATION:Chatsworth-Murray County Public Library\, 706 Old Dalton Ellijay Rd\, Chatsworth\, GA\, 30705\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Chatsworth-Murray County Library" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20190527 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20190528 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20181212T225901Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190326T153329Z SUMMARY:CLOSED for Memorial Day -- All Branches DESCRIPTION:We will be closed for Memorial Day on May 25th - 27th. We hope that all members of our community can spend this time with loved ones and friends. \nNo materials will be due while we are closed. Our drop boxes and downloadable items will still be available. URL: LOCATION:GA ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20190525 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20190526 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20181212T225901Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190326T153134Z SUMMARY:CLOSED for Memorial Day -- All Branches DESCRIPTION:We will be closed for Memorial Day on May 25th - 27th. We hope that all members of our community can spend this time with loved ones and friends. \nNo materials will be due while we are closed. Our drop boxes and downloadable items will still be available. URL: LOCATION:GA ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190521T163000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190521T173000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190424T135432Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190424T135432Z SUMMARY:Ice Cream Social -- Teens DESCRIPTION:Open to 8th-12th grade. See your friends\, talk about summer plans\, and eat ice cream. Refreshments and supplies provided. URL: LOCATION:Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library\, 310 Cappes St\, Dalton\, GA\, 30720\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190521T153000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190521T174500 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190422T161643Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190422T161643Z SUMMARY:Homeschool Hangout -- 4th-12th Grade DESCRIPTION:Open to 4th - 12th grade. Homeschooling families are invited to get together. Hangout\, enjoy food\, fun\, and games. Come meet our new YA Coordinator\, Chelsea\, and hear about all the upcoming events she will be offering. Fill out a survey and be entered into a drawing for grand prize! URL: LOCATION:Calhoun-Gordon County Public Library\, 100 N Park Avenue\, Calhoun\, GA\, 30701\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190515T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190515T101500 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190507T200425Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190507T200442Z SUMMARY:OPEN at 10:15am DESCRIPTION:The Chatsworth-Murray County Public Library will be opening late due to an early-morning staff training. \n\nMay 15th @ 10:15 am URL: LOCATION:Chatsworth-Murray County Public Library\, 706 Old Dalton Ellijay Rd\, Chatsworth\, GA\, 30705\, United States ORGANIZER;CN="Chatsworth-Murray County Library" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190513T103000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190513T110000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190422T155247Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190719T130631Z SUMMARY:Easy Exploration -- Children DESCRIPTION:Open to 1st grade and under. Join us for sensory play for toddlers and young children. \n\nMay 13th - FRUIT LOOPS®\nJune 10th - Mixing Colors with Shaving Cream\nJuly 8th - DIY Sensory Bottles\nAugust 12th - Cloud Sand\n\n \n \n \n \n \nFRUIT LOOPS is a registered trademark of Kellogg North America Company\, which does not authorize\, endorse\, or support this web site. URL: LOCATION:Chatsworth-Murray County Public Library\, 706 Old Dalton Ellijay Rd\, Chatsworth\, GA\, 30705\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Chatsworth-Murray County Library" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20190511 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20190512 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190508T220243Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190508T220243Z SUMMARY:CLOSED due to Bill Gregory 5K DESCRIPTION:The library will be closed May 11th due to the 5K closing roads around the library and for the safety of the participants as well as our patrons and staff. \nOur book drop will remain open and digital materials are always available online. The Calhoun-Gordon County Public Library should be open for patrons needing computer access. \n URL: LOCATION:Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library\, 310 Cappes St\, Dalton\, GA\, 30720\, United States ORGANIZER;CN="Dalton-Whitfield County Public Library" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190508T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190508T170000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190422T164502Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190422T164502Z SUMMARY:Yoga -- Teens DESCRIPTION:Open to 9th-12th grade. Come learn some relaxation techniques before the end of school activities begin for the year. Space is limited; please pre-register. URL: LOCATION:Calhoun-Gordon County Public Library\, 100 N Park Avenue\, Calhoun\, GA\, 30701\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190507T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190507T190000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190424T144857Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190424T144857Z SUMMARY:3D Printing Class 102 -- Teens & Adults DESCRIPTION:Open to ages 12 and older. Download the 3D models we created and print them using our 3D printer. Also learn about practical uses for 3D printing and the rules for 3D printing at the library. Materials will be provided. URL: LOCATION:Dalton-Whitfield Technology Center\, 310 Cappes Street\, Dalton\, GA\, 30720\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Dalton-Whitfield Technology Center" GEO:34.7753745;-84.977575 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=Dalton-Whitfield Technology Center 310 Cappes Street Dalton GA 30720 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=310 Cappes Street:geo:-84.977575,34.7753745 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190507T153000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190507T174500 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190422T161424Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190422T161424Z SUMMARY:Tween Hangout -- 4th-5th Grade DESCRIPTION:Open to 4th - 5th grade. Hangout\, enjoy food\, fun\, and games. Come meet our new YA Coordinator\, Chelsea\, and hear about all the upcoming events she will be offering. Fill out a survey and be entered into a drawing for grand prize! URL: LOCATION:Calhoun-Gordon County Public Library\, 100 N Park Avenue\, Calhoun\, GA\, 30701\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190506T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190506T190000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190424T144644Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190424T144644Z SUMMARY:3D Printing Class 101 -- Teens & Adults DESCRIPTION:Open to ages 12 and older. Join us as we design a simple 3D model in TinkerCAD and learn a little about 3D printing. TinkerCAD requires free account registration. Materials will be provided. \nNote: This class does require some computer experience. If you just want to see the 3D printer in action\, please join us for 3D Printing 102. URL: LOCATION:Dalton-Whitfield Technology Center\, 310 Cappes Street\, Dalton\, GA\, 30720\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Dalton-Whitfield Technology Center" GEO:34.7753745;-84.977575 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=Dalton-Whitfield Technology Center 310 Cappes Street Dalton GA 30720 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=310 Cappes Street:geo:-84.977575,34.7753745 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190506T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190506T170000 DTSTAMP:20240601T150956 CREATED:20190422T163003Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190422T163003Z SUMMARY:Craft Time -- Children DESCRIPTION:Open to 5th grade and under. Join us for a special craft! \n\nMay 6th - Make a special card for your mother\, grandmother\, or other special lady in your life. URL: LOCATION:Calhoun-Gordon County Public Library\, 100 N Park Avenue\, Calhoun\, GA\, 30701\, United States END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR